ASAP Ventures
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  The Dinner Club
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  The Washington Dinner Club

*** New - 90 second video clip from the ***
September 24th Launch Party
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Every year in America, some 200,000 small businesses are created, and the biggest problem they face is raising money to grow. Many entrepreneurs are rejecting venture capitalists and investment bankers in favor of a new form of funding; angel investing. Angels are wealthy individuals--but not professional investors--who are eager to finance promising start-up companies with sums of $100,000 to $1,000,000.

John May and Cal Simmons are founders of The Dinner Club, a group of angel investors who regularly listen to pitches by entrepreneurs seeking funding. In Every Business Needs an Angel, May and Simmons reveal how they decide which entrepreneurs are worthy of funding - and which are not. This fly-on-the-wall peek at the process is pure gold for anyone thinking of approaching angels with a business plan.

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